Terrain Sauvage
by Matthias Annen, Maureen Zollinger, Jamuna Mirjam Zweifel,
Assistance Lea Götschi & Othmar Annen.

TERRAIN SAUVAGE is an invitation to accompany nature in its dying process, before the start of a demolition.
Shortly before the demolition of a building, we want to create a space of experience and encounter to engage with the wilderness together, to open our senses, to collect impressions and to share them with each other. In this way, we let little (urban) wild natures come alive through us once again and carry the impressions away within us in different directions - just as the inhabitants of the garden will do. In this very strong moment of transition we build new synapses towards a shrinking wild.
TERRAIN SAUVAGE is an attempt to gracefully say goodbye to the increasingly diminishing wildernesses. In a world where economic growth, the growth of the human species, is gaining the upper hand, we want to at least respectfully say goodbye to small ecosystems in the middle of the city. How can we make people in a westernised culture practise being more sensitive to the environment and treating it with honour? How can rituals, farewell rituals or rites of passage be (re)incorporated into our actions and thinking? Terrain Sauvage is a first attempt to create a non-profit enterprise that cares for places of disappearance and invites encounters between humans and non-humans.
The first Ritual was made possible on full-moon night, January 7 2023 at Spiserstrasse 18, Zurich Switzerland.
Photos by Jamuna Mirjam Zweifel, Maureen Zollinger, Matthias Annen & Lea Götschi 2023
Flyer by Matthias Annen